
The Jackson Medical Mall Foundation received $1.6 million from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to assist disadvantaged, low-income minority/females to boost economic and health mobility.  The Advancing Health and Wealth Equity Project is designed to integrate economic and health equity by addressing the social, health, and economic deterrence that affects disadvantage/low-income populace of Hinds County.

Under the Advancing Health and Wealth Equity Project Small Business Enterprise Center, at least fifteen (15) small new and/or existing minority/female business enterprises will have access to a multi-week, one-on-one, step-by-step consortium to guide from basic to advance stages of business startup process, at no costs to participants. Participants will also learn how to identify business opportunities, and will receive training on developing, marketing, managing, promoting, and producing a sustainable business.

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Opportunities for Minorities and Small Businesses

Each individual new/existing business completing the multi-week consortium will receive a rate of $40 per hour up to $4000, along with the potential to receive up to $3500 pay out to assist with the marketing, accounting services, web site development and/or business planning mentoring services.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

FREE Workforce Development Opportunities

  • Phlebotomy Certification
  • Commercial Drivers Licence (CDL) Certification
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Certification
  • Financial literacy
  • Job placement
  • Farmer’s Market Initiatives

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Global Innovation, Local Dedication
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