CARE4ME Services

In 2014, the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation established CARE4ME Services to improve the health outcomes of persons living with HIV and to serve as the bridge to prevent gaps in HIV educational and supportive services. All programs address identified needs within communities of color. Using a strength-based community wellness approach, the innovative programs focus on prevention, testing, awareness, linkage and re-engagement in care and essential services, reduction of stigma, and new cases of HIV and other STDs/STIs. CARE4ME Services’ innovative comprehensive high-impact HIV prevention program includes:

  • 5Voices@6 is an innovative program that fosters leadership and empowerment through communication and mobilization in the reduction of HIV. Published findings.
  • The SPOT-Jackson (Safe Place Over Time) provides services and opportunities focusing on wellness, empowerment, and leadership. Over Time, The SPOT is a Safe Place for its members to openly discuss issues and challenges to help improve quality of life and to promote the concept of self-worth. Published findings.
  • The SPOT-Belzoni is a duplication of The SPOT-Jackson. It serves communities in the Mississippi Delta.
  • TTK (Test to Know Mobile Unit) actively provides individual and community level outreach activities and conducts targeted rapid HIV testing and other health testing/screening via the mobile unit.
  • Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) is an HIV/STD prevention intervention for Black men.
  • Peer Support is an individual and group level intervention that provides a safe place and opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations and support.
  • Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) provides education, referrals and linkage activities within the system of prevention and supportive services.
  • Condom Distribution Program (CDP) is an HIV/STD public health prevention strategy.
  • Voices/VOCES (Video Opportunities for Innovative Condom Education & Safer Sex) is a video-based HIV STD prevention intervention.
Global Innovation, Local Dedication
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