Success Stories: Save-A-Lot Flourishes in Mall District


Economic development is a critical need for the greater Jackson area, and is a chief priority for the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation.  A number of startup, commercial and enterprise businesses have flocked to the once deserted Jackson Medical Mall District due to its impending economic transformation.

Economic development is a critical need for the greater Jackson area, and is a chief priority for the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation.  A number of startup, commercial and enterprise businesses have flocked to the once deserted Jackson Medical Mall District due to its impending economic transformation.

Jackson native and local Save-A-Lot owner, Dan Myers, recognized the need and potential, and made a conscious decision to plant his business here within the Medical Mall District; And according to Mr. Myers, he’s thoroughly satisfied with his choice. “This area has always been a food desert and needed a grocery store,” says Myers. “I keyed in on where I could put a Save-A-Lot here because the community needed it and they deserved a good grocery store. So I decided to do it and it opened in the fall of 2011.”

Collaborating with The Foundation has been a pleasant experience according to Mr. Myers. While he’s renovated several existing grocery stores, this Save-A-Lot location is his first newly constructed facility. “This store was my first ground up that I actually built and we lease the building from the Medical Mall. But we worked with Mr. Wheeler and developed a site that would be great with easy access for the community and it ran really smooth.”

Mr. Myers, who is also an active member on the Medical Mall’s Business Association Board and Community Housing Development Organization, says that the community plays a major role in the store’s success. “The people of the community are great and have been really accepting of the store, says Myers. They are really kind and warm, and want to see great things happening in the community.”

Despite the current challenges met by the city and state, business owners like Myers are confident that the rebirth of this community is well underway. “Getting the Health Corridor active and moving will be a huge factor. It seems like everything is in place for that to happen. That’ll be a huge key in getting Woodrow Wilson up and running, says Myers.

“The good thing that we see in this community is that people are moving back into it. The Mall is building homes for people. There is other property under consideration to be developed for commercial use. The new strip center is bringing four new businesses to the area and living conditions are improving. We participate a lot with local communities to clean up neighborhoods. The community has been great. Things aren’t perfect but they are definitely better than they were and heading in the right direction.”

Overall, Myers recommends for other businesses to consider the Jackson Medical Mall District. “I think that there are a lot of businesses that would do great in this area,” says Myers. “It’s a busy area that attracts a lot of people and there is a lot of opportunity and voids to fill. But the Medical Mall (Foundation) is the key driver here. They are really eager to bring business here.”

With a mission to provide affordable health care for and economic development, The Jackson Medical Mall is the community’s capital. We are the community’s foundation, hoping to deliver positive generational results to an area that prides itself on unity, community and action.

Would you like to become a part of the growing family of businesses in this area? Contact us at (601) 982-8467 to learn of opportunities.


Written by Fallon Brewster

Global Innovation, Local Dedication
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